I just wanted to take a quick second and express my love and appreciation for the missionary program! (since i didn't get to bear my testimony on fast sunday) It is such an awesome thing! Not only does it provide a way for lost children to reutrn to the arms of their loving Heavenly Father, but it prepares our sweet boys for the responsibilities and callings that will surely come to them in their futures.
I can bear personal testimony of this, as I have had the great blessing of being able to watch Alex prepare for his mission. Over the recent months, the changes that have occured in him have been tremendous! The way he approaches situations, treats other people, the dedication and importnce he has placed in his callings, and just his personality in general. He has grown and matured so much as a human being, as well as in the gospel. It is such a great thing to see! I love hearing him quote a scripture or a general authority whenever we are faced with a problem, or stressful situation. It is a huge comfort knowing that I have this awesome priesthood holder by my side! He truely has a profound understnding and respect for his priesthood authority. I love him! My heart is so full of love, admiration and pride for this boy <3
I know that these changes have been inspired in him through preparing for his mission. It has strengthened my personal testimony of missionary work, and opened my eyes to the other side of it. If this is what it does to the boys, than there's no way it could come from anything other than our Heavenly Father.
That's all for now..
Much love,
Proud (almost) misisonary girlfriend!
You should blog more! FYI...it doesn't only prepare sweet boys, but sweet girls too ;) I'm so glad you've been supporting Alex in going on a mission, instead of making it so he doesn't want to go :)