Recently, it's become very clear to me how much truth the following statement actually holds: "Home is where the heart is" I've always thought that "home" was the city you came from, where you were raised.. that it could only ever be one place. Well, I sure was wrong. After returning from a weekend adventure on St. John, (one of the U.S. Virgin Islands) I felt a sense of peace as we drove off the ferry and back into the very worn down, cracked, pot-hole filled roads of St. Thomas. "This is my home" I thought. "This is where I need to be." It's funny, just a few weeks beforehand I was talking with a close friend about how vacationing here and living here are entirely two different things. Tourists come here and see the beautiful beaches, the luscious greenery, and think how lucky we are to actually get to live here. They don't see the crime, the poverty and utter iniquity that this island is influenced by. We spoke of how out of place we felt being here.
On my drive home, I was trying to figure out how my change of heart had occurred. Why did i suddenly feel like this was where I was supposed to be? Why did I feel a part of something that I had so recently felt so distant from? I realized that it was because of my wonderful, loving little branch. It amazes me that the same fellowship and love that I knew in Arizona, I am able to feel here. That just proves to me that the love of Christ is the same, here, or anywhere else in the world. He taught by word and by example to: "love thy neighbor." It's the love I've felt and the love I've tried to give back. My love for the youth and sisters especially has been strengthened immensely by the callings I have received and activities that I've become involved in. They have pulled me so deep into this branch that there's no turning back. Seminary, Girls Camp and Relief Society Meetings.... Basically, what if i've learned is: It's not about how long you've lived there, it's not about how long you plan to stay.. it's the experiences had and the relationships made that turn a place into a home. This is definitely where my heart is; it's completely devoted to the people of St. Thomas. Though this will only be my home for a small portion of my life, I'm extremely grateful that I got the chance to be here and make it my home. <3